Having traveled the sacred path of ascension and embodied my own Divine Self, I am here to guide you on your own journey of transcendence. I stand in service to my own Higher Self as a conduit and embodiment for her wisdom and mastery.
I serve as a High Priestess of the Rose Lineage, an initiatory guide to assist you in returning to your own inherent spiritual wholeness via the path of ascension and to rediscover your deepest soul gifts to bring them into the world.
My Sacred Lineage
I am an embodiment of the Ascended Lady Master Lain’ai Mele’ha Ana. As a soul/spirit we have walked with Mother Earth for many ages remembered and many long forgotten in the epic history of our human collective of souls.
As an ancient starseed from Sirius B and a Lemurian ascended soul, Master Lain’ai has returned to embody her own mythical self as a shamanic tantric priestess lineage holder of the Elders of MU and the Sisterhood of the White Rose.
As Elaine Marie Rose, I walk in this lifetime in service as the embodiment of Master Lain’ai’s wisdom and light and in service to the Divine Mother as a messenger of love, peace, balance and harmony. We have co-created the Rose Heart Temple Mystery School for the return of the divine feminine, offering ancient wisdom teachings to retrain and reawaken the temple arts of priestess and priest of the Divine Mother.
How May I Serve You?
It is my intention to create a mirror for you to see more clearly and a road-map for your remembrance. You are the creator of your biology and your reality and ultimately each soul must be empowered to remember their abilities to heal themselves.
Are you ready to recognise and develop a deeper relationship with your sacred higher knowing and wisdom?
Utilise my personal guide, coaching and healing services, articles, ascension tools, courses and workshops to work wherever you are on your spiritual journey. It is my honor to assist you in reconnecting with your own profoundly powerful and inherent ability to communicate and rejoin with your own Source.
Email me to set up an initial consultation to share your growth and healing intentions with me and we can craft a unique platform in person or via Zoom session to support your personal and spiritual evolution process.
Many Blessings
Elaine Marie Rose
[email protected]
Read more about my personal ascension journey! I contributed as one of thirteen biographies to this project that helps us to understand the modern ascension process.
You can purchase the book HERE