Divine Feminine Embodiment Mentorship

What is true Divine Feminine Embodiment?

Divine Feminine Embodiment is not a man-made cliche that attempts to objectify or define what the feminine is supposed to be, do or look like.

It is not a description of a certain idealized body type or age, or of behaving hyper-sexually all the time.

Divine Feminine Embodiment is when a woman lives in her body and is open to its authentic natural responses and impulses towards life.

It is a body without resistance…

  • That does not resort to behavior which is inauthentic in order to portray a certain false image of itself.
  • It is not fearful, numb or contracted against life to protect or armour itself from ‘perceived’ unsafe, external forces.
  • It is a female body in a state of grace, naturalness, openness and flow that is ready and clear to receive the impulses it was meant to em’body’ from the Divine part of Self.

When this flow is opened in a woman, she becomes the divine embodiment of the living Goddess. This is a state of mature feminine energy expressing itself confidently, creatively and authentically. It is a women in deep connection to her erotic innocence, sensual being and creative potency.


Unprocessed emotions, along with the conditioning received and stored in this lifetime and beyond, are locked in the body.

Our bodies and auras are full of these blocked energies.

Stuck energy can cause many physical and health related symptoms that can appear as “ghost” or chronic symptoms. These ailments cannot be diagnosed or relieved by medical science.

Stuck energy prohibits our natural expression as beings and can delay and halt our spiritual evolution.

When our physical and energetic bodies and cells are locked into conditioned patterns of smallness and fear, we cannot expand out into our glorious being.

This is why we are here!

We Become our own Beloved as we learn to

  • shed the skin of the false self,
  • release old energetic patterns and habits
  • open to the natural flowing pathways of light

We are built and designed to thrive upon this flowing light.

Our disconnection from the vital Shakti force flow causes

  • the loss of core self
  • confusion of focus
  • lack of clarity and purpose 
  • imbalance of our emotional and mental bodies

This leads to life drama and cycling patterns of trauma, chronic or “ghost” health problems, disfunction, dissatisfaction and unhappiness.

Soul/spirit cannot flow where the energy cannot go!


Level One- Awakening: Learning, Curiosity, Opening, Frustration with “Ghost” or Chronic Health Problems That Are Often Not Diagnosable, Problem Solving, Questioning, Life Dissatisfaction, Discovering False Conditioned Self 

Level Two- Stepping In: Clearing, Cleaning, Healing, Taking Responsibility, Alignment of Intention, Heart Opening, Shedding Conditioning and False Self, Unearthing Soul Fragmentation, Unworthiness and Disempowerment Structures 

Level Three- Balancing: Building Light, Frequency and Energy Capacity, Soul Centered, Life Embedded Spiritual Embodiment Practice, Growing Shakti Flows, Ascension Progressing, Accessing Creative Flow, Balancing Feminine/Masculine Polarity Within, Staying Centered in the Heart, Moving Away from Ego Patterning and Habits, Forming Self-Love, Surrendering, Devotion to Inner Divinity, Alchemy Practice, Inner Union Commences

Level Four- Emitting: Sacred Union Within and Without, Integration and Embodiment of Higher Self, Maturation, Mastery, Magnetic, Manifestation, Bliss Body Harmony and Balance, Sacred Purpose, Full Sacred Heart Activation as Transmission Frequency, Advanced Alchemy Mastery


Wherever you are in your Feminine Embodiment Process, whether just awakening and beginning, or if seeking deep advanced mentorship, we can craft a process to serve your unique needs. In our coaching sessions and with your self-practice work you will move into the space of your own body as the exploratory canvas to find the true impulse of Self.

  • We will begin to open the ecstatic pathways that have been blocked or shut down and that keep you from expressing your truest and most potent sense of being in the world.
  • We will dive into a deep healing process as we explore ancient feminine archetypal patterns as guides to your emerging wholeness practice.
  • We will journey to release in your body, mind and heart what closes you off, shuts you down, and dims your essence, light and enthusiasm for living and creating with clarity, joy and genius.
  • We will look at imbalances in your inner masculine and inner feminine to see where you need to cultivate and nurture more support for both sides of your being to bring harmony to your life.

This transformative one to one mentorship experience is only for women who are committed to purifying and transforming their body, emotions, mind and spirit. You must be willing to carve out the time to do the work, both in session and with the self-practice work between session. Change requires dedication and time.

Are you ready to show up for you!!!

This journey is all about you beautiful woman! You can decide where you want to place your emphasis for the mentorship and your inner work


  • Heart Womb Wisdom, Care and Activation (Energy, Health, Healing and Transmissions)
  • Sexual Awakening, Activation and Bliss Body Maturation (Sexual Health and Body Regeneration, Opening Sexual Energy Channels, Growing Arousal and Orgasmic Potential, Circulating Energy to Regenerate the Body, Mind and Soul, Tantric Spiritual Awakening)
  • Hormonal Imbalance Resolution (PMS Problems, Perimenopause, Menopause and Postmenopausal Body and Health Issues)
  • Health and Disease Management (Chronic or “Ghost” Health Conditions, Diet, Nutrition, Movement, Cleaning the Body and Purification Processes)
  • Resolving Trauma and Emotional Healing in the Body (Blocked Energy Channels, Soul Disconnection, Memory and Emotional Repression, Subconscious Karmic Action, Soul Fragmentation)
  • Sacred Union with Other (Relational Healing, Relationship as a Spiritual Path, Path of Soulmates/Twin Flames, Sexual Healing, Relationship to Self and Other, Inner Child Work, Balancing Masculine/Feminine, Immaturity into Maturity)
  • Ascension and Self-Actualization (Ascension Science, Inner Union, Alchemical Mastery Development)
  • Divine Feminine Embodiment (Rose Priestess LIneage, Holy Woman, Magdalena Lineage, Wisdom of the Feminine Divine, Rose Heart Temple Feminine Mystery Teachings, Shamanic Priestess, Embodiment of Feminine Divinity)


Elaine Marie Rose is a HIgh Priestess of the Rose lineage, intuitive empath, master shamanic tantric healer, Language of Light sacred sound alchemist, teacher, guide, artist and writer. Her goal is to assist and guide you in making and strengthening your own sacred connection with the Knowing Self Within that is inherently and eternally WHOLE!. Having traveled the sacred path of ascension and embodiment her own Divine Self, she now offers her guidance on your own journey of transcendence. She stands in service to her own Higher Self as a conduit and embodiment for her wisdom and mastery.



How much time do I need?

We will meet 3 times for in person sessions for personalized development work, teachings and healing. These sessions will be scheduled per mutual agreement once you register.

At home self-practice is the core of the program and I recommend you dedicate a 2-3 hours a week to doing your daily personal practices and self-inquiry work.

TOTAL ESTIMATED WEEKLY COMMITMENT is 2 HOURS a week spread over the week


  • 3 PRIVATE 1:1 online personal Zoom sessions with Elaine Marie
  • Detailed home practice and self-inquiry assignments




“I find all my experiences with Elaine Marie have helped me in different and miraculous ways.
The soul collects trauma in different layers and I truly feel that Elaine has assisted in helping me to pull these layers off myself.
She has shown me the way to heal myself and I will continue to do just that.
She has always been fiercely kind, loving and supportive.
She embodies feminine empowerment and has really held my hand through some rough times. She also encourages me to continue to do the work. She is a beautiful spiritual being and I highly recommend working with her.
I have so much love and gratitude and appreciation for everything she has done for me and continues to do for humankind. Especially women.”
Lindsay, USA
“A milestone in my life. I came with the goal that I wanted to put it all out there, and I have to say I have no regrets in that regard. I feel like I dug really deep and overturned some stones that I had previously been afraid to touch. I just feel different overall.
I notice that I am much more open and much less fearful of so many things. I feel more determined than ever to push forward on my path.
The experiences you offered were SO powerful.
I am in absolute awe of the breadth of your knowledge and found myself mesmerized by the way you are able to express it. You truly embody a Goddess in my opinion!”
Gabrielle, USA
“This was a once in a lifetime experience. I felt so much magic and guidance. I have so many new physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual practices to work with in order to grow closer to the divine feminine authenticity that is within each and everyone of us.
I continue to use the practices to grow closer to my higher self and break through old trauma so that I can create the life i’ve always dreamed of. I am eternally grateful for Elaine Marie for holding such a divine space.
Thank you so much Elaine Marie. This has imprinted me for life!”
Stacey, USA

“The private healing and coaching sessions I have experienced with Elaine Marie Rose almost can’t be put into words themselves. The frequency itself that I felt and the instant momentum that I noticed following my healings with Elaine Marie speak for themselves. She really held such an extraordinary space for me to feel safe, supported and comfortable to finally get uncomfortable and commit to the inner child work that I postponed for long enough.

She led me way back into my sacred womb and gave me the opportunity for my inner child to get start anew. It has been such a triumphant time for my self healing and shadow work practice. It is amazing when both facilitator and recipient experience similar things during the multidimensional distant treatment and that is exactly what happened.

After working with Elaine Marie my clairvoyant gifts evolved even further. She is the embodiment of a pure, clear, direct and authentic channel of Source Energy and I am eternally grateful for her love! I look forward to working with her again and would absolutely recommend anyone who wants to dive deeper on their ascension journey’s to contact her!”

Vanity, USA

“Elaine Marie is extremely gifted in this arena of deep inner healing. I can attest to this personally. She has a way of bringing your knowing to your forefront so that you can see and feel it with your own eyes and heart. A way in which it bypasses the ego and the mind of knowing, to a heart based way of knowing. It’s like a table collapsing that once held a puzzle put together by ego, past life trauma, and programmed conditioning.

She’s that nudge that kicks at one leg of the table thus scattering pieces of an unworking puzzle everywhere. These are pieces that others had put together for you, they weren’t you. They were the thoughts and actions of others that made you believe you were put together.

As the pieces fall with Elaine’s loving guidance you then allow your heart to put your puzzle pieces back together and soon you’ll realize the glue those puzzle pieces needed was YOU all along…much love and immense gratitude to you Elaine…deep bows…”

Aurda, USA

“The Tantric Yoga, breathwork and sexual healing practices that Elaine Marie shared with me opened my physical body’s energy pathways and helped me to reexamine and question my limiting beliefs and behaviors.

The shift with these practices was almost instantaneous and it was profound. The transformation has been non-stop. The lessons started to present themselves one after another. It’s as if I was in this whirlwind of energy that was taking me from one new level of awareness to another. I felt a very palpable disentanglement of the fear, which gave me the courage to proceed with what I was being called to do.”

Gurpreet, USA

“Loving, Gentle, and POWERFUL! My time with Elaine Marie, changed the way I view the world and my possibilities in it. It enhanced my ability to connect with my inner wisdom. I moved old energy blocks that had held much sadness for me. I feel MUCH lighter energetically and happier over all! I came away with many great tools to clear my mind, heart and soul. Thank you.”

Diane, USA

“My practice time with Elaine Marie is a time to dignify my life. A time where I am able to explore the possibilities inherent in this continuous exchange between the deepest part of my being and the outer world in which I live.

The practices ask me how I neutralize what is polarized in my life, how I stand and support myself on the earth and receive its gifts, and how I learn from pain and mistakes. I am more aware of how I give and receive love and how I can really be thankful for everything that I receive in life.”

Claudia, Colombia

“Elaine Marie helped me to remember the essentials. That these practices raise and balance our vibrations, She taught that the whole environment of practice must be in a beautiful and harmonious vibration.
Elaine Marie is not only an adorable being, she is a teacher who delivers her essence in each moment and connects you with your own. I feel the internal and vibrational energy working! Thank you for your great dedication, patience and love that you deliver!!!
Today I have a different feeling for practice, I want it to be part of my life. Practice transforms, it transforms you little by little without hardly realizing it.”
Carolina, Colombia
“With the practices with Elaine Marie I quickly felt physically stronger and healthier. Mentally I am calmer, more patient and more open. I could never have done this without your guidance Elaine!
It is a blessing for me to have had the opportunity to reinforce faith and balance in myself with your help ! I can’t thank you enough.
These regular practices give me support and holding, as well as sensitiveness in the flows, which always leave me feeling more nourished and at peace than before the practice.
Practice reminds me how to go on living the right way by being in union with the world, but mostly with myself.
I received so much that right now I’m excited to share my experience with others, so they can have the same joy as I have now. Namaste Elaine Marie!”
Isabel, Switzerland

“Elaine Marie Rose’s presence and guidance was gentle and loving.

My experience changed my way of seeing life and being in the world. Elaine Marie is knowledgeable and she shared her way of wisdom and mastery with love , grace, knowledge and compassion. I walked away with a connection to my body and a desire to treat myself and my life with a new respect and a lot of self-love. Thank you , Elaine Marie Rose”

Diane, USA

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