Ascension & Distance Healings



NEW YEAR’S SPECIAL! $222 -a 40% discount!

Live 1 Hour Zoom Coaching Session with Elaine Marie Rose to clarify where you are stuck energetically followed by a Highest Timeline Empowerment 30 Minute Distance Energy Clearing with the Ascended Masters


NOTE: I will be in touch within 24 hours after your purchase to schedule your healing. Please leave a note if you would like me to contact you using a different email than what appears on your PayPal account. If you have any questions please contact me directly at [email protected]

Highest Timeline Distance Healing Description

Time is speeding up and the multiple timeline grids are fusing. Each soul is now being called to choose which dimensional timeline they will align with as we move forward. We are being oscillated, meaning moving back and forth, between our remaining lower timelines at an expanded rate right now.

You will feel and experience this as intense internal and external challenges and discomfort of various kinds.

This is for the purpose of expunging remaining old vibrational residues as quickly as possible for your alignment and positioning into your highest version timeline.

The energetic accelerations are allowing for catapulted expansion into a higher dynamic of life. These accelerations into new high or low timelines will begin to happen much more rapidly.

It is important we become as clear as possible in our frequencies and choose with courage to align with what is calling us into our divine purpose and away from lower fear based- matrix co-dependent choices.

There is no going back to or clinging now to known and comfortable limitations of the old energy grids as this will become increasingly painful. Step forward and trust a new and unknown unfolding for yourself. 

My Higher Self Master Lai’nai, Master Kuthumi and Master El Moyra are teaming up to offer a Timeline Empowerment.

This healing is for any who feel they need assistance with dissolving old quantum entanglements and karmic cohesions (i.e.- negative, challenging internal and external manifestations you are experiencing on any level, physical, mental, emotional, astral or soul fragmentation)

If you would like assistance to be uplifted with a wave of frequency to release old impulses and rise into your highest potentials order your Highest Timeline Empowerment above. 



Having traveled the sacred path of ascension and embodying my own Divine Self, I am here to guide you on your own journey of transcendence. I stand in service to my own Higher Self, Blue Ray Lady Master Lai’nai Mele’ha Ana as a conduit and embodiment for her wisdom and mastery.

Healing Options

I am honored to serve and support you in your ascension healing journey!

All sessions are distant healing sessions and require 30 minutes of your time. I will contact you via email after you purchase your ascension healing option to schedule your session. I will use the email provided by your PayPal payment. Please indicate your time zone in the PayPal notes area.

PLEASE NOTE! I will not be contacting you directly during your scheduled session. Complete instructions for the ascension healing are below in the “Healing Process” section. Please read the instructions carefully. Our connection will be energetic and you need to be in a relaxed and open state to receive the best benefit. (Read detailed HEALING PROCESS instructions below)

Ascension Healings

Four Body Clearing Package for Ascension Acceleration- This is a four body healing package that will be scheduled over a minimum of two months time. For each healing, my Higher Self and a group of Ascended Masters, Archangels and other light beings will step forward for your session. The four body healing package includes four different distance healing sessions. We will clear the emotional body, mental body, etheric body and astral body of energetic debris and toxic dross.  This healing greatly facilitates your ascension process. Once you purchase the Four Body Clearing Package I will contact you to schedule your four separate distance healing sessions.

Balancing Feminine and Masculine Healing- My Higher Self and a group of Ascended Masters, Archangels and other light beings will step forward for your healing. This healing will focus on two key areas. First, The feminine /masculine ancestral pattern clearing will remove patterns and imprints from your energy bodies in this lifetime and from past lives removing imprints and patterns you have inherited from your ancestral family lineage and genetic DNA. The balancing and empowerment will work to realign and balance these energies within your energy body to help you gain a more stable masculine/feminine balance. The healing will provide the highest possible vibratory frequency possible for you at the time of your healing and based on your current level of development.

Trauma Imprint and Ancestral Pattern Clearing- My Higher Self and a group of Ascended Masters, Archangels and other light beings will step forward for your healing. This healing will focus on two key areas.  The trauma clearing will remove patterns and imprints of trauma from your energy bodies in this lifetime and from past lives. The ancestral pattern clearing will focus on imprints and patterns you have inherited from your ancestral family lineage and genetic DNA. The healing will provide the highest possible vibratory frequency possible for you at the time of your healing and based on your current level of development.

Lightbody Attunement- My Higher Self and a group of Ascended Masters, Archangels and other light beings will step forward for your healing. The attunement will realign your energy bodies to hold higher frequencies as you move towards activating your Lightbody fully. The attunement will align you to the highest possible vibratory frequency possible for you at the time of your healing and based on your current level of development.

DNA Activation- My Higher Self and a group of Ascended Masters, Archangels and other light beings will step forward for your healing. The DNA activation will unlock and instruct your DNA to hold higher frequencies as you move towards activating your Lightbody fully. The activation will provide the highest possible vibratory frequency possible for you at the time of your healing and based on your current level of development.

Personalized Healing- My Higher Self and a group of Ascended Masters, Archangels and other light beings will step forward for your healing. The personalized healing will be based on your personal healing intentions. You may select up to three areas of focus for each session. The healing will provide the highest possible vibratory frequency possible for you at the time of your healing and based on your current level of development.


About My Distance Healing Services

How does multidimensional healing work exactly?  Everything is vibrational. In science class you learned that what appears as matter is actually made of mostly space and a few vibrating particles assembled as atoms and molecules. When we ascend our energy field through conscious ascension we are able to merge with our Higher Master Self and to connect to higher dimensional realms and light beings who are able to rewrite the codes for how these particles vibrate and excite them to higher frequencies that cause a reorganisation and reharmonizing, which we would call “healing”.

High frequency multidimensional sound and light are powerful “re-programming” vehicles to provide direct instructions to the particles to behave in different ways. Because of my personal ascension process and unification with my own Higher Master Self, and my training and work with the Masters, and the Archangels, I have activated my “Lightbody” and significantly raised my “light quotient” or the frequency of vibrational light in my energy field. It is a rule of the universe that a higher vibrating field can affect and change a lower one. This means that with your permission I can assist you in connecting with the Higher Master and Angelic Realms to make changes and accelerate your field while you are on your own path and working towards raising your own light frequency.

All dis-ease in the body, emotions and mind begins as disharmony and blockages in one of the multiple layers of the energy field.

 “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”  Albert Einstein

The Distance Healing Process

I will not be contacting you directly during your session as this is a remote distance energy session. I will be connecting to you energetically.

During your scheduled session, find a quiet and comfortable place where you will not be disturbed and can totally relax and allow the process to unfold.  You can sit or lay down or even sleep while you allow the energy to do its work. You do not need to do anything as all light energy is spiritually guided and knows what you need in this moment for your highest healing and well being.

Every person is different so every experience will vary.  Many people report feeling energy moving through their body, light pressure in the body (releasing of energy blockages ), warmth in the body, tingling sensations, uplifting sensations, and seeing different colors. Others report feeling nothing and seeing nothing. Be certain the energy is working even if you feel nothing physically. We are working in your energy bodies and chakras primarily which are not directly connected to body sensations.

Allow yourself to let go and totally relax into the process. Relaxation and surrender are key to receiving the full benefit of this healing light.

After The Session

After the session drink at least 3 large glasses of pure filtered water to facilitate removal of the unwanted energies.

The day of the session and the day after you may experience detox symptoms such as tiredness, sleepiness, irritability, need for more water and possibly headache. All these signs are great indicators that your body is releasing and purifying via its natural processes.

The old energy is leaving your system and during that time I recommend you stay as quiet and relaxed as possible and give yourself extra love and self-care, drink plenty of pure water or watery fruits, meditate, or go for a walk in nature to allow the process to unfold.

You may also notice some emotions or memories surface to be witnessed and released. Just breath and let go.

After the session others sometimes also report feeling energised, full of love, experience uplifting emotions, clarity, understanding, deep peace and tranquility, and much lighter and happier states of being.


There are healing sessions and there are life upgrades! With you, every session has felt like an UPGRADE! I love your sessions for their amazing CONTRIBUTION in my reality.

Being a multidimensional healer, you beautifully tap into divine energies and clear away the path so effectively! I’m a spiritual healer too, so I know exactly the dynamics of the energy world and healing and hence for my own personal ascension.

I can rely on you! Your healings are path breaking and an accelerated growth to EVOLUTION! I hIghly recommend your session to anyone who is ready to take their life to the next level! I love your vivid description of your session that you facilitate and it makes me feel utterly loved and supported by the Universe! Earth needs beings like you to THRIVE! Lots of love, light and Gratitude.

Sheetal, India

The healing sessions I have experienced with Elaine Marie Rose almost can’t be put into words themselves. The frequency itself that I felt and the instant momentum that I noticed following my healings with Elaine Marie speak for themselves.

She really held such an extraordinary space for me to feel safe, supported and comfortable. It is amazing when both facilitator and recipient experience similar things during the multidimensional distant treatment and that is exactly what happened.

After working with Elaine Marie my clairvoyant gifts evolved even further. She is the embodiment of a pure, clear, direct and authentic channel of Source Energy and I am eternally grateful for her love! I look forward to working with her again and would absolutely recommend anyone who wants to dive deeper on their ascension journey’s to contact her!

Vanity, USA

My healing session with Elaine Marie was truly transformative.  The next day (and each day since!) I woke up feeling clearer, brighter and more powerful than I can remember feeling in a very long time.

During the healing, my difficult relationship with my daughter was given attention to and there is a marked change in the way we interact with one another now.  I’m so grateful to her for sharing her gifts with me.

Gabrielle, USA

I find all my healing experiences with Elaine Marie have helped me in different and miraculous ways.

The soul collects trauma in different layers and I truly feel that Elaine has assisted in helping me to pull these layers off myself. She is a beautiful spiritual being and I highly recommend working with her.

I have so much love and gratitude and appreciation for everything she has done for me and continues to do for humankind.

Lindsay, USA

My healing with Elaine Marie was unique! During the healing I fell into a deep kind of state where I was far away…not asleep, but far away. As if someone had given me an injection.

After the healing I felt I had been given loads of fuel and increases in my femininity.

Afterwards my life also showed improvements in areas I have been struggling with for a long time.

I managed to make decisions I’ve been struggling with for many years. My glow started to return and I felt more present in my own body. I went closer to what happiness is to me!

Rachel, Finland

The healing that Elaine Marie shared with me opened my physical body’s energy pathways and helped me to reexamine and question my limiting beliefs and behaviors.

The shift was almost instantaneous and it was profound. The transformation has been non-stop.

The lessons started to present themselves one after another.

It’s as if I was in this whirlwind of energy that was taking me from one new level of awareness to another. I felt a very palpable disentanglement of the fear, which gave me the courage to proceed with what I was being called to do.”

Dr. Ahuja, USA

Elaine Marie’s insights into a pattern that I had asked for healing to help clear were invaluable. I’ve spent most of my life trying to understand and shift this pattern. She was able to clearly articulate the pattern and assist in releasing it.. I’m so excited to see how life unfolds moving forwards Thank you!

Sheila, USA

Elaine Marie is extremely gifted in this arena of deep inner healing…I can attest to this personally. Much love and immense gratitude to you Elaine…deep bows.

Audra, USA

Working with Elaine Marie shifted me more in four sessions than I had in several years.I am truly grateful to have worked with her.

Jill, USA

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