Spiritual Self-Realization

Enlightenment, the Tao, Nirvana, Ascension, Salvation, Mysticism, Gnosis. We have heard these elusive, esoteric terms spoken by Master Teachers and lineages throughout the ages. But what do they actually mean? And more important, are they relevant and possible for you or only for a rare and chosen few saints, saviors and gurus?

We are in the times of Spiritual Self-Realization, and these heights of spiritual knowing are indeed available to any who seek to climb the highest mountain of consciousness.

What does it means to arrive at the destination of Spiritual Self-Realization?

The Path of Wholing offers an introductory course to hear a clear and de-mystified explanation of this Universal Curriculum as it has been taught around the globe for as long as humankind has asked these questions. Our approach is inclusive and honoring of all the spiritual and religious lineages, as in their highest form, and when not distorted by the faulty lens of the consciousness of separation, we can find great gems of truth within each. The word religion and the word yoga, so misunderstood in today’s usage and teachings, both mean union. It is our goal to lead you to a greater understanding of the end point of the spiritual path in your journey as a human being so you can live the life of joy, abundance and effortless grace that is your birthright.

Introduction to Spiritual Self-Realization Course


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