Unity Principle

Unity Principle

We are in a great time of planetary transition. A time where a radical leap forward in human consciousness is shifting our reality from motivations of fear and the drive for physical and financial security, to motivations of unconditional love, inner wisdom and balanced use of power to become the inspired creators we truly are.

The invitation from Spirit is to part the veils of illusion and to free ourselves from the separation consciousness constraints of fear, guilt, shame, self-loathing, doubt, judgment and denial.  We can now access our true liberation on all levels which will enable us to rise up and reclaim our true birthright of unlimited joy, abundance and grace.

As we together build the social architectures of a new golden era for humanity, we start with a fresh view of what is possible and a clear understanding of the limited realities and paradigms that we are ready to let go of. Free at last to build the world we have all dreamed of and longed for, it is time to shed the skins of the old ways and move into the light of our collective destiny as the immense beings of love and light that we are.

A world based on the Unity Consciousness is not some far off dream for future generations. It is available to everyone today, if only we choose to reach for and attain it.

By Elaine Marie

READ MORE about Wholing Through the Unity Principle



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