Activating Your Inner Crystal Waters


All great sages and gurus have told us that to find God we must look within. 

This great secret to our awakening reveals that God is a geometry of crystalline light 

Living Water is a living crystal Activating Your Inner Crystal Waters Online Course Elaine Marie Rose Rose Heart Temple Mystery School


We are beings of light, and that light is held within form via water. 

If we are to ascend into our highest divinity we will need to learn to ennoble our inner sacred waters. 

As Mother Mary shares in her message

“When you understand water, you will mirror your own divinity.”

This online course steps into the foundations of water, at a material level, reenvisioning what you believe water is and how its presence determines all aspects of our quality of life while in an embodied state of physicality, including its potential for reversing aging and disease and even ceasing the seemingly inevitable passage of body death. 

If you want to advance your ascension path as a lightworker, it behooves you to dive into how water is your highest and most potent ally. 

This course is a nuts and bolts foundation in both the material scientific basis of water and to explore her divine secrets as a being of exceptional multi-dimensional surprise and graciousness.

Take this journey into the essence and heart of our sacred ally water, and learn how our ennobling of Her within our own body vessel can ripple into profound effects for the upliftment of our own life experience, and for humanity and the Earth. 





You will receive the Masterclass modules 24-48 hours after purchase via email. Please make certain your Paypal email is current or let me know if you prefer the course be sent to a different email in purchase notes. If you have any questions contact [email protected]

PART ONE: Tapping Your Inner Fountain of Youth –Profound Anti-Aging and Healing Secrets of Living Water 

This is a self-paced learning journey.


  • The Myths & Mysteries of Water 
  • Not All Water is Equal- Raising Your Water Intelligence 
  • Your Inner Biowaters- You are An Ocean
  • What Actually Causes Aging and Disease


  • The Water Battery Inside You
  • Understanding True Hydration
  • Creating a Living Water Cure Therapy 
  • Tapping Your Inner Fountain of Youth 

PART TWO: Creation’s Greatest Secrets- Activating your Inner Crystalline Waters

  • The Ascension of Matter
  • Hydrogen- The Origin Point
  • Ascension Science to Change the Body
  • Shifting Your Frequency- Becoming Pure Watery Love
  • The Elementals of Water


YOU’LL RECEIVE  The Hydration Handbook and Resource Guide PDF as part of the course!

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