by Elaine Marie Rose | Mar 19, 2019 | 5D Consciousness, Ascension, Divine Love, Enlightenment, Know Thyself, Raising Consciousness, Spiritual Path, The Shift
Enjoy this excerpt from my biographical chapter in Modern Ascension: Stories of High Initiates, a compilation of stories from personal ascension journeys sponsored by the ascended masters ascension portal in New Zealand and the Ascending Initiates. Coming on 2019!...
by Elaine Marie Rose | Oct 30, 2018 | 5D Consciousness, Divine Feminine, Divine Love, Divine Union, Healing Love, Healing Trauma, Healthy Relationships, Priestess, Rose Priestess, Sacred Relationship, Sacred Union, twin flame
Duality always shows its two sides as conflicting truth, as an opposition. But when an object is viewed in unity both sides are held equally as truth within a spectrum of the whole. On one side of the spectrum of how we see our beloved partner we have the Divine Image...
by Elaine Marie Rose | Oct 21, 2018 | 5D Consciousness, Divine Feminine, Divine Love, Divine Union, Healing Love, Healthy Boundaries, Healthy Relationships, Priestess, Raising Consciousness, Rose Priestess, Sacred Relationship, Sacred Union
How do we work with the wounds of others we love without needing to constrict and limit our own natural expression and care for self? Is it ever appropriate to allow another’s wounds to control your behaviour? This is a very deep question about boundaries, agreements,...
by Elaine Marie Rose | Oct 21, 2018 | Non-attachment, Raising Consciousness, Separation Consciousness
Jealousy is about control. It is like an ugly ogre that appears from the darkness to hang its foul energy over others like a threatening bully. When we are possessive, attached, or jealous of something or someone we render ourselves powerless and fill ourselves with...
by Elaine Marie Rose | Oct 12, 2018 | Non-attachment, Releasing the Mind
The mind is like a suction cup. It attaches to the montage of objects floating before it. If none satisfactory can be located it is a powerful visionary and more will be created for its entertainment. We are creator beings, fashioning our reality matrix at each...