Spider Medicine

In the shamanic tradition nature is seen as the medicine cabinet of our lives. This includes the plants, animals, trees and stones.  Mitakuye Oyasin or “All our Relatives” are seen as living consciousness and part of our family of life. Sometimes the medicine we need...

Navigating 3D Separation and 5D Unity Experiences

Differentiating Between Cynicism and Discernment Both concepts have a similarity for evaluating, observing or testing a certain premise, person or thing. But cynicism resonates in a separation based vibration of disbelief based on lack of trust, disbelief in the...

Being the Witness in Sacred Relationship

Duality always shows its two sides as conflicting truth, as an opposition. But when an object is viewed in unity both sides are held equally as truth within a spectrum of the whole. On one side of the spectrum of how we see our beloved partner we have the Divine Image...
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