Healthy Boundaries Equal Healthy Relationships

We have been raised in old paradigm relationship models of fear, codependency, unhealthy intrusion of energy, emotional avoidance and toxicity, and abuse and neglect of all kinds.   One key aspect of these old paradigm models is the false belief that by merely...

The Human Awakening into Love

As souls we traveled to experience this realm of duality and separation for one reason; to forget ourselves completely, experience what we are not, and then to remember what we are; love.  In the separation consciousness paradigm of the 3D matrix, the rational mind is...

Relationship as a Spiritual Path

The traditional stages of love explained via spiritual evolution and consciousness expansion The Euphoria Stage- The quintessential “Romantic Love” phase. What it feels like: The other person is the center of your life. You are distracted from the other day to day...

Being the Witness in Sacred Relationship

Duality always shows its two sides as conflicting truth, as an opposition. But when an object is viewed in unity both sides are held equally as truth within a spectrum of the whole. On one side of the spectrum of how we see our beloved partner we have the Divine Image...

Boundaries and Holding Others Wounds

How do we work with the wounds of others we love without needing to constrict and limit our own natural expression and care for self? Is it ever appropriate to allow another’s wounds to control your behaviour? This is a very deep question about boundaries, agreements,...

Finding True Love: Moving From 3D to 5D Relationship

As the New Earth energies expand and anchor vibrationally everyday all around us we are changing who we are and we are changing and evolving our models for relationships as well. We are moving away from a relationship context based in fear, conditionality, control,...
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