The Human Awakening into Love

As souls we traveled to experience this realm of duality and separation for one reason; to forget ourselves completely, experience what we are not, and then to remember what we are; love.  In the separation consciousness paradigm of the 3D matrix, the rational mind is...

What is the Path of Initiation?

My spiritual path has been one of deep initiation. An initiation is a process of transformation. It leads to psycho-spiritual healing, change and growth. It shifts one’s orientation and understanding of self from a smaller, fear based notion, to a larger,...

Relationship as a Spiritual Path

The traditional stages of love explained via spiritual evolution and consciousness expansion The Euphoria Stage- The quintessential “Romantic Love” phase. What it feels like: The other person is the center of your life. You are distracted from the other day to day...

Spider Medicine

In the shamanic tradition nature is seen as the medicine cabinet of our lives. This includes the plants, animals, trees and stones.  Mitakuye Oyasin or “All our Relatives” are seen as living consciousness and part of our family of life. Sometimes the medicine we need...
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