The Serpentine MindThe serpentine mind is an ancient term often used to represent the mental faculties or the analytical mind. When we live our lives solely based upon using its analysis and logic, this lower form of mind ties us into overlapping knots that loop endlessly into circular, false perceptions and thought forms.

There are multiple layers of reality and of the concept of mind possible within the infinite ranges of ever expanding consciousness. As humans we reside in the most dense and lowest vibrational fields which produce the appearance of a reality of duality. Duality is a state of perpetual opposition of thought forms, or at least they appear to be in opposition.  As we raise to higher levels of consciousness, the higher functions of Universal Mind, the unity principle increases and the harmony of opposites becomes the new reality.

Let’s use an example to illustrate this idea. We will use the concept of gullibility. On one side the lower mind questions itself asking, “Am I too gullible? Do I trust too easily?” But on the other side it asserts, “I am always testing my trust of others because I fear being gullible.” So the mind gets itself into a great circular scramble. It distressfully asks, “Am I too trusting or not trusting enough? Is it one or the other?” And round and round it will go, wrestling with a question that cannot be answered. It cannot be answered as the answer is believed to be only this or that, black or white, right or wrong. In a higher version of consciousness or mind it can be seen that the appearance of irreconcilable opposition is in truth describing only one condition. The condition, which is being outlined in its two extremes, is doubt.

Both sides of the question are based on the premise of doubt, and when seen through this unified view the question changes. It becomes, “do I doubt myself or do I doubt everyone else?” Unity prevails, as the answer is yes to both. You doubt yourself and you doubt others. You doubt. When we doubt we have a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of creation and it is apparent in our mental confusion.

Divine FoolIt is impossible to doubt if we understand who we truly are. Doubt, and all other dualistic thinking, is a function of not knowing who we are.

We have forgotten ourselves. If you understood who you were as your Authentic Self, you would become again the Divine Fool, and it is impossible for the Divine Fool to doubt, because he/she knows the truth.

How can this be? Let’s keep going with our example to better understand the notion of the Divine Fool.

What is the opposite of doubt? Trust you might say, but the unity principle tells us it is actually love. To understand creation and ourselves we must understand that there is only love and what is not love. Trust is an attribute of love. To love we must trust. There can be no love without trust. Mistrust or doubt is not love.

Is it better to doubt or to love? The choice is yours alone.

But you say, “If I choose to love and therefore trust, I could be harmed, hurt or deceived!” You can only be harmed or deceived if you do not know who you are. If you use your dualistic definition of self as a finite human with no connection or awareness to your eternal nature you will reason that it is safer not to trust. Your mental analysis would indicate a world that dictates mistrust and is therefore not love. And so it shall be. Duality and the serpentine mind reign as truth.

However, if you are able to solve the riddle of who the Divine Fool is, you would realize and know that it is you, and then you know the answer to the apparent riddle of dualistic mind. All is One and the One is love.

We are all Divine Fools who have forgotten ourselves. Remember and be free.

By Elaine Marie


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