Shekinah Shamanic Soul Retrieval


The Shekinah is the part of your divine soul that descends to dwell in form.

It is considered the feminine part of our being.

This spark of our divinity descends to experience itself in a dense body and loses its memory of eternal unified self upon entrance to the denser human form.

The soul lies mostly dormant, in a state of sleep, and under the influence of the conditioned egoic personality for all or the majority of its experience unless it is ready to awaken and activate its destiny path. 



We have accumulated immense fragmentation within the soul matrix through myriad simultaneous incarnations in duality time constructs and realms.

I offer a deep and powerful Shekinah Shamanic Soul Retrieval Healing. This 60 minute distance healing will begin a powerful process of defragmentation to clear energetic distortions and entanglements of all kinds. Because I have completed my own inner union process I am able to work at the level of Higher Self to support a profound acceleration for your own process. 

It is not possible to reunite all parts of the fragmented soul immediately, unless you have permission from your own Higher Self to do so. We have heard of examples of spontaneous enlightenment in the akashic records. However, this would be a rare and highly overwhelming experience for most. 

The more usual process is to pull these akashic records forward as you are ready to heal them and for your Higher Self to take you through a more gentle reconciliation and healing process. I will work directly with your Higher Self to bring forward your highest healing potentials in this moment and according to your own divine plan. 

Your intention to heal and ascend plays a huge part in this. Your willingness to face all the misqualified energies you have created and to resolve them with total forgiveness is crucial. No one is going to save you or do the work for you. You are your own savior. 




When we begin to awaken, it happens first at the level of soul, and then slowly the soul begins to reach back up to its full spirit-self to unite in sacred union. When this happens we experience the sacred marriage, the union of heaven and earth. 

This journey is the purpose of our human incarnations. We do not float away into another “place” or “heaven” when this occurs. Heaven is a state of unified consciousness, not a place. 

In fact we are very much present here on Earth. We become the embodiment of divinity in form. We are here as divine frequency holders. It is the great goal of the soul’s epic journey to achieve this state of divine embodiment. 

This is the great mystery of ascension or inner union guarded in all the ancient mystery schools and true wisdom traditions. 

Today we are able to undertake this journey in a mature space of responsible awareness. 

The mysteries are revealed for all those who are ready to ascend into their divinity at this epic planetary ascension gateway on Earth. The energies available for this process are much more supportive and quicker to resolve than they have been in more dense periods in our darker historical eras. 

The core wisdom traditions that still exist today that hold the processes for this journey are highly complex because when they were formed it took many lifetimes to achieve this result. They also required an earthly guru to transmit the empowerments from one level to the next. This is no longer the model humans will use. 

Today the energetics for the planet and our position within the galactic photon belt make the process possible in a much shorter time frame and within one lifetime when a soul is diligent and focused with intention. And an outer guru is not required, although a trusted guide or mentor who has already taken the journey can be highly useful, but is not necessary. 

Your guru eventually becomes your own internal guru, your Higher Self. But it is important to realize, you are largely “disconnected” from this part of Self in the earlier stages of this process. You will need other trusted guides and mentors to assist you in reconnecting your own spiritual wiring. 

This inner guru is a higher dimensional part of you at the spirit level that is not in a state of fragmentation or distortion of any kind. In a state of separation consciousness, our spiritual connections are weak or barely present. The signal is very weak. You must do the work to make this reconnection and strengthen the spiritual circuitry. 

This Higher Self will merge with the lower self (Shekinah soul) once the lower vehicle and lower personality distortions (egoic self and karma) are overcome and transcended. Once the antahkarana (spiritual wiring system) is connected and functioning again, this is possible. This is largely what the process of “ascension” entails. Clearing and reconnecting. 

The sacred vessel must be prepared. This is the symbolism in the mystery traditions of the bride (the feminine Shekinah soul) preparing the bridal chamber for the arrival of the bridegroom (the Spirit, Higher Self, inner guru) 

This responsibility requires us to clean up our energetic house. This means attending to all the fragmentations and mis-qualifications of divine energy we have created in our many experiences in form. 

Misqualified divine energy is misapplied spiritual light, called “sin” in some traditions, which simply means, missing the mark. You shot the arrow and it missed the target, try again. There is no judgment or condemnation in this. Our soul is in a state of learning. It is to be expected. 

This misqualified energy is vibrating in a frequency of distortion and mutation away from the divine pattern. Our lower negative emotions, beliefs and traumas are examples of misqualified spiritual energy. This is how we accumulate “karma.” 

Karma is not punishment. It is our own creation of misqualified light that must be reorganized or reharmonized within the divine templates of creation. In essence, in our unawakened experiences we have made an energetic mess, and it’s our own responsibility to clean it up and sort it out. 

To do so requires stepping out of the stories of being a victim and owning that we have created all our experiences in time space.  Without this acknowledgement the process of inner divine union of soul spirit is not possible. A compassionate forgiveness of self and all others who have played their parts in this human drama is required. The letting go of all judgements and self-righteous pointing fingers to others as enemy or wrong doer must be let go of. A peaceful acceptance of all our experience, both dark and light must be found. 

Divine neutrality must become your steady state, which in many spiritual teachings has been called non-attachment. This means you are not negatively “triggered” and pulled back into the game of duality. You can stand within duality and yet you are apart in a unified state of harmony no matter what has occurred in the “past” or what you are witnessing in the now moment. 

Once we begin to awaken to our true eternal multidimensional nature we realize it is our own responsibility to repair fragmentations we have experienced in multiple incarnations. To step into our true divine mastery the Shekinah soul must be released from illusions of pain and fragmentation in order to fully express through your embodiment as its wholeness as divinity in frequency. The soul becomes scattered and “stuck” in many lower timelines of distortion like a shattered glass, and must be energetically magnetized back together, into wholeness. 

We speak in spirituality often of past lives. But this is a limited 3d linear understanding of time and soul journey. From the level of soul and higher dimensional time, time is simultaneous. There is only the eternal now in the unified field. 

So the soul is at this present moment experiencing the interference of other timelines that are in chaos and trauma and holding distortion patterns of pain and not enoughness. 

A shamanic soul retrieval works to assist you in identifying, healing and reassembling these orphaned soul fragments that are based in  energetic entanglements outside of your present reality, but that are influencing your present reality in negative or disturbing, often confusing ways. 

We have accumulated immense fragmentation within the soul matrix through myriad simultaneous incarnations in duality time constructs and realms.

I offer a deep and powerful Shekinah Shamanic Soul Retrieval Healing. This 60 minute distance healing will begin a powerful process of defragmentation to clear energetic distortions and entanglements of all kinds. Because I have completed my own inner union process I am able to work at the level of Higher Self to support a profound acceleration for your own process. 

It is not possible to reunite all parts of the fragmented soul immediately, unless you have permission from your own Higher Self to do so. We have heard of examples of spontaneous enlightenment in the akashic records. However, this would be a rare and highly overwhelming experience for most. 

The more usual process is to pull these akashic records forward as you are ready to heal them and for your HIgher Self to take you through a more gentle reconciliation and healing process. I will work directly with your Higher Self to bring forward your highest healing potentials in this moment and according to your own divine plan. 

Your intention to heal and ascend plays a huge part in this. Your willingness to face all the misqualified energies you have created and to resolve them with total forgiveness is crucial. No one is going to save you or do the work for you. You are your own savior. 

Release your Shekinah soul and draw your inherent wholeness into being. Embody your Divinity. It is your birthright. 

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